Shady Lady
Captain of the Herd
When Shady Lady first came to us, we wondered why would anyone name her that. Well, we immediately understood: Her name is well-deserved. She loves to escape from wherever she is, with the others excitedly following her. Needless to say, she is an adorable trouble-causer and became Captain of the herd after her first breakout.
She has the most fun-loving and beautiful spirit. She is extremely athletic and constantly keeps the herd in play mode when she's not making a therapy visit, which at that time she is as loving as can be and just wants to meet everyone. She loves to be groomed and receive all the hugs and kisses she can get.
You can see in her "Escape" video how we left the hair around her legs when we clipped her so we can explain at our therapy visits the difference of the sun bleaching out her hair, from the red, to the beautiful dark brown that she is.
Shady Lady also loves to run, and run fast. She also loves to jump, and jump high.
Escaping and jumping are Shady Lady's favorite things to do. As you can see in Shady Lady's "High Jumper" video, we do not encourage the minis to jump. We let them loose in a large corral--but we do put up the jump, just in case they want to try.
Shady Lady encouraged Charm to jump high with her. Charm often bailed out on the jumps. But Shady Lady continued to encourage her by continuing to jump. Finally, Charm jumped high with her -- and made it.
Although Shady Lady loved to go on community visits with us and loved getting hugs and love from everyone, we realized Shady Lady needed a lot more than we could offer her. It was a very hard decision for us when we gave her to Lynn Davenport, owner of San Pasqual Valley Ranch. His daughter Macy was visiting from New Mexico and loved Shady Lady. Lynn wanted to give Shady Lady to his daughter Macy for a birthday present. Macy still sends us photos of Shady Lady. It broke our hearts to let her go, but we just could not offer her what she needed, and we knew we would be able to visit her and stay in our circle of friends forever.
Here is a video of Shady Lady even escaping from Lynn Davenport while he was training her to go up stairs. As you can see, she is just beside herself that she has escaped from Lynn, who is a highly skilled horseman.
Shady Lady
Registered AMHA # 234985 and AMHR # 347614T