Charline Pinkel
Recreational Director
Born and raised in San Diego County, Charline Pinkel has been around horses since before she was born. Her mother was a 3 day Eventer and her grandmother was an Arabian breeder. Horses are in her blood.
As she grew up, Charline got to ride her Grandmother's horses, but her parents wanted her to primarily focus on school and sports. In her later teens and early twenties, Charline got heavily involved in motocross and started racing. After multiple severe injuries and concussions, Charline gave up racing motocross and quickly got into racehorses, and became an exercise rider at San Luis Rey Downs. She purchased her first horse on her own, an ex-racehorse, at the age of 20. Since then, Thoroughbreds have been Charline's number one love. She has retrained multiple ex-racehorses to be successful hunters/jumpers.
Charline has trained with a variety of top trainers, all ranging from 3"Eventers, Grand Prix Dressage riders, and 1.60m Show Jumpers. Her main focus is to ensure that her horses thoroughly enjoy their work and have fun while doing so.